For the authors
Rules of Academic Writing
Publishing materials will also be sent in PDF format to The articles must have a maximum of 20 pages in B5 ISO format, written in one of the following languages: Romanian, English, French, Spanish, German, or Italian.
Each article must have:
-an abstract (100 – 200 words);
-up to 6 keywords;
The articles must be arranged as follows:
Page Layout:
-up, down, left, right: 2,5 cm; B5 ISO format;
-Times New Roman font, size 12, single space;
-endnotes: font size 10;
-title of the article: font size 14, Bold, Centre alignment;
-author’s name and institutional affiliation: font size 12, Bold, Right alignment;
-the title of the article must be translated into the language of the abstract: font size 10, Bold, capitals;
-the article must be preceded by an abstract in one of the following languages: French, English, Spanish, German, or Italian – font size 10.
-keywords: font size 10, Italic, (a maximum of 6 keywords);
-the author’s e-mail address will also be presented at the end of the article;
Bibliographic references will be given at the bottom of the page according to the following example:
Vișovan 2008: 15
For more than two authors, “et alii” is to be used.
The same author’s papers will have the bibliography arranged in chronological order, from the oldest paper to the most recent one.
The bibliography will be arranged in alphabetical order at the end of the article with font size 11, and according to the rules of academic writing given by the Romanian Academy, as such:
Farcaș 2008 = Mircea Farcaș, Câteva observații asupra unor derivate verbale din graiurile maramureșene, in „Fonetică și dialectologie” XXVII, pp. 13-18.
Vișovan 2008 = Ștefan Vișovan, Toponimia Țării Lăpușului, Baia Mare, Publisher North University.
For articles with a coordinator, which were published in collective volumes, the bibliography is introduced separately in the corresponding volume.
If several papers by the same author are quoted and they were published in the same year, the letters “a, b, c” will be added after every year, for each paper.
For articles written in Romanian, the Romanian quotation marks [„”] are to be used, not only in the paper, but in the bibliography as well. For articles written in French, the French quotation marks [« »] are employed, but if they are written in other languages, we may use the English quotation marks [“ ”].
Examples must be written in Italic, and glosses are given between [‘’]: pied ‘picior’.
Tables must be preceded by a title. The table’s references must be given between round brackets (Table 1).
Important explanatory notes
-the editorial board reserves its right to publish only those materials distinguished through scientific content, creativity and originality.
-the texts which do not comply with the mentioned rules will not be published.
-current spelling of Romanian language must be applied.